Frequently asked questions

What does a typical online or blended course look like?

The typical course structure can vary depending on the course an educator selects. Shorter courses are meant to be self-paced. Courses with more professional development credits may be synchronous or asynchronous and can require participants to participate more frequently.

Can I register for a course or microcredential after the start date?

This depends on the course or microcredential you choose. Self-paced courses or micro-credentials will usually allow you to join at any time while the course is active. Please click on the course badge above to view the dates when each course is active.
If you select a facilitated course or microcredential, you will not be allowed to register after the start of the course. Registration will close a couple of days prior to the start of the online course or microcredential, so be sure to register ahead of time. Registration close date information is available on the registration page for each online course or microcredential. Check back often as new opportunities may be posted frequently throughout the year.

Will the same online courses or microcredentials be offered again later?

Yes, generally speaking, though this will depend on the demand for the course or microcredential. The timeline for the repeating of the courses may vary depending on delivery method, length, facilitator availability, and/or demand.

Are there certain times I have to attend during the online course or microcredential?

Check the course or microcredential information before registering. Shorter courses are usually self-paced. Longer courses and microcredentials may be synchronous or asynchronous. If you have questions, please check with the LTC Online Learning Coordinator, Matt Jacobson (

How do I get my Illinois PD Credit?

Self-paced courses will require brief forced-choice, machine-graded quizzes to check for understanding. Upon successful completion of a self-paced course, an online form will unlock allowing you to request an online evaluation form via email. After completing and submitting that evaluation form, you’ll receive your PD Credit Evidence of Completion Form via email.
If you have enrolled in a facilitated course or microcredential, our instructors will review the artifacts you have submitted. Shortly after, an evaluation form will be sent to your email. Once that evaluation has been completed and submitted, you will receive your PD Credit Evidence of Completion Form in your email.

Where is my evaluation form?

First, check your Spam or Junk Mail to see if the message was filtered out. You may wish to add “” to your Contacts or Trusted Senders list. If you are using a school email account, you may wish to request that “” be “whitelisted.”
If you have tried both of the solutions above and feel that you still have not received your evaluation form, please email Brian Bates at or the course/microcredential facilitator for assistance.

Why haven’t I received my PD Credit yet?

First, the Illinois State Board of Education requires that a completed evaluation form be received before we can provide PD Credit Evidence of Completion. If you have submitted a completed evaluation, it can take up to two (2) business days for that PD Credit Form to arrive in your email.
As mentioned above, sometimes these can end up in your Spam or Junk mail. You may wish to add “” to your Contacts or Trusted Senders list. If you are using a school email account, you may wish to request that “” be “whitelisted.”
If you have tried both of the solutions above and feel that you still have not received your evaluation form, please email Brian Bates at or the course/microcredential facilitator for assistance.

What time commitment is required for an online course or microcredential?

The time to complete a course will vary based on the individual course or microcredential. The number of Professional Development Hours (PD Hours) are listed for each course. You can expect to spend approximately that amount of time on the course or microcredential.

Can I participate in an online course or microcredential if I do not hold an Illinois Professional Educator’s License (PEL)?

The Learning Technology Center of Illinois is part of the Champaign-Ford Regional Office of Education #9, which is an Approved Provider of Professional Development for Illinois educators. Pre-service teachers and out-of-state educators are welcome to join our online courses or microcredential if desired. Check your specific state or institution requirements regarding professional learning credit for our learning experiences.

When will the microcredential badge appear on my PEL?

Can I earn graduate credit for LTC courses or microcredentials?

Graduate credit for LTC online courses or microcredentials is not available at this time. 

How can I get help registering for an online course or microcredential?

If you are having problems with registration, please email Matt Jacobson at

How do I login to start my online course or microcredential?

Start by creating a free account in our learning management system. Just click the Sign Up button at the top of the page and follow the prompts to get started.
You can usually start most self-paced courses right away, unless they are listed as "Coming Soon." Facilitated courses and microcredentials will usually have specific start and end dates. Check the course description page or reach out to the instructor if one is listed. You can also contact Matt Jacobson at for assistance.

How do I reset my password?

If you are not logged in, click the Sign In link at the top of the page. Click the "Forgot your password" link and follow the prompts to set up a new password. 
If you are logged in, click the profile picture or the word "Me" at the top of your screen and select "Log out." Then follow the steps in the paragraph above. 
If you need further assistance, please email Matt Jacobson at or click the Tech Assistance button in the "Me" tab at the top of the page.

My course or microcredential isn’t showing up on my dashboard after I log in. What should I do?

Click the "Tech Assistance" button in the "Me" tab at the top of the screen, or email Matt Jacobson at

Why can't I find your app in the app store?

We currently recommend learners use a desktop computer, laptop computer, or Chromebook to complete our courses. At this time we do not support a separate app for online courses or microcredentials. The course players should perform well in almost any mobile browser on almost any mobile device. If you experience any difficulties, please reach out to Matt Jacobson at to discuss your concerns.

Is there a specific date by which I have to complete the coursework or microcredential?

Each online course and microcredential has a specific start date and end date. Please be sure to check the end date for your particular course or microcredential and make sure all work is submitted within Canvas by that date.

What if I don’t complete the course or microcredential before the end date?

We understand that life gets busy and sometimes there are obstacles that can’t be overcome. To receive professional development credit you must complete all requirements listed for each course or microcredential in which you are enrolled. Partial credit will not be given. Refunds for incomplete paid courses are not available.
Do not hesitate to contact the course facilitator if you fall behind and need assistance.

Are office hours available for online courses and microcredentials?

Self-paced asynchronous courses: Office hours in the traditional sense are not planned for the LTC's self-paced online courses.
Facilitated synchronous/asynchronous courses: The instructor will designate or arrange times to meet when the course begins.
Microcredentials: Due to the nature of microcredentials and ISBE requirements, office hours for microcredentials may vary depending on delivery. Instructor contact information will be listed on the first page of every online course and microcredential.
Please reach out to Matt Jacobson ( via email with specific questions.

Can I contact my instructor directly if I have questions?

Yes! If you have questions regarding a course, microcredential, or specific assignments, please reach out to your individual instructor for clarification. 
If you are unable to reach your instructor within 5 regular business days, please contact Matt Jacobson at

Will new courses and microcredentials be offered in the future?

Yes! The LTC is hard at work identifying timely topics and developing content for new online and blended courses and microcredentials. 

Who can help me with questions that aren’t listed above?

Please reach out to Matt Jacobson ( via email with specific questions.

What does a typical online or blended course look like?

The typical course structure can vary depending on the course an educator selects. Shorter courses are meant to be self-paced. Courses with more professional development credits may be synchronous or asynchronous and can require participants to participate more frequently.